Sunday 29 November 2009

Sculpture by the Sea (21)

Eye Sea You, Tim and Shayn Amber Wetherell. Explores people's differing perceptions of reality with special reference to technology and the changes it brings. Perspex, plaster of paris.

This is my last Sculpture by the Sea post for this year. Hope you enjoyed them.

Saturday 28 November 2009

Sculpture by the Sea (20)

Gilded Cage, Alex Kosmas. The tree laid out on the board room table like an agenda item is an item of pathos, a state reinforced by the cage, which surrounds and unites the world of business with the world of nature. Gold leaf, stainless stell, brass and cast bronze.

Friday 27 November 2009

Sky Watch Friday - Sculpture by the Sea (19)

More grey sky, this time seen through Barbara Licha's Chaos and Order, which describes the contemporary individual surrounded by the magnitude of everyday emotions. Glavanised wire, metal frame.

For more Sky Watch from around the world, drop in to the home of Sky Watch Friday.

Thursday 26 November 2009

Sculpture by the Sea (18)

Regenerate, Christine Dyer. Each remnant of rope has history with it being gathered up, sorted, reconstructed. It lives on in another form. It takes a new life. Rope, fishing line.

Wednesday 25 November 2009

Sculpture by the Sea (17)

Plant People, Jennifer Orchard. My sculptures pay tribute to the glorious variety and adaptability of all life on the planet. Ceramic, metal, glazes.

Tuesday 24 November 2009

Sculpture by the Sea (16)

Once Was Blue, Stephen Short. Will all coral look like this in 50 years time? PVC pipes, pop rivets, tactite adhesive.

Monday 23 November 2009

Sculpture by the Sea (15)

Fractal Column, Alan Rose. Our feeling for beauty is inspired by the harmonious arrangement of order and disorder as occuring in nature. Rigid plastic sheet.

Sunday 22 November 2009

Bonus Test Shot

Kuisab Pass, Namibia
Experimenting with stiching photos into a panorama in Photoshop Elements. Looks pretty good, I think. Click to enlarge.

Sculpture by the Sea (14)

The Eight, Stephen King. Inspired by the time his three daughters were rowing. It describes the moment when the boat is held aloft just before the strok-side and bow-side rowers part to shoulder the boat.

I interpreted this one quite differently before I read the catalogue. To me they were women bearing the weight of the world on their shoulders.

Saturday 21 November 2009

Sculpture by the Sea (13)

Tribute to a Workhorse, Belinda Villani. My father's love of horses stemmed from his migrant inner city childhood contact with the local workhorses rather than the romantic idea of the outback horse and rider. Woven rattan, steel.

Friday 20 November 2009

Sky Watch Friday - Sculpture by the Sea (12)

The Remembrance Windmill (Leon van den Eijkel) spins agains a grey sky. Celebrating the positive. "Irksome wind" is an adult thing. This work recalls the joy that the wind gives in childhood. To be shared as a positive source of energy. Stainless steel, powder coating aluminium, bearings.

For more Sky Watch from around the world, drop in to the home of Sky Watch Friday.

Thursday 19 November 2009

Sculpture by the Sea (11)

Rat Race, Margeurite Derricourt. These rats are caught on the treadmill of life but are making a bravve attempt to escape. Copper tubing, wire mesh.

Wednesday 18 November 2009

Sculpture by the Sea (10)

Dream Home - Jane Gillings. Be careful what you wish for. Wood, discarded plastic, hardware. The kids loved this one, they could play inside as well like a big cubby house.

Tuesday 17 November 2009

Sculpture by the Sea (9)

Step by step, inch by inch ... toward the precipcie - BAM (Brenner and Medwell). The sand shoes reflect our existence, soft worn centres hidden beneath hard exteriors. At any moment we may find ourselves at a precipice. 200 handcrafted recycled shoes, sand.

Monday 16 November 2009

Sculpture by the Sea (8)

Bronzed Aussies - Nick Stranks. A focus on cast and fabricated works. These objects explore our memories and their inherent impermanence. Silicon, bronze, timber, steel.

Sunday 15 November 2009

Sculpture by the Sea (7)

Heliocidaris tuberculata, Kelly-Ann Lees - Strongly influenced by found objects, the creation of this work is a direct response to form. Welded recycled steel.

Saturday 14 November 2009

Sculpture by the Sea (6)

Another piece with controversy attached. 27 year old Iranian, Mona Aghababee, won the prize for young sculptors with her piece, Where is the Freedom, but has been refused a visa to travel from Tehran to Australia to receive the prize. "The thing that is important for me is they couldn't reject my opinion ... I couldn't come to another country myself, but my idea and my thought can go."

Where is the Freedom, Mona Aghababaee - Inspired by Ancient Persian culture, the symbols are used in a new context and are connected with the social, politcal and cultural conditons in Iran. Mild iron wire.

Friday 13 November 2009

Sky Watch Friday - Sculpture by the Sea (5)

Looking skyward though The Dandi Lion, details of which are on last Wednesday's post.

For more Sky Watch from around the world, drop in to the home of Sky Watch Friday.

Thursday 12 November 2009

Sculpture by the Sea (4)

Illums Box, Mano Ponnambalam & Jenny Hien - Place, space, light. Timber pallets, strapping, solar panels, light fittings.
Along the top of the cliff you can see part of Wonderland, Frost Design - A Lewis Carroll poem on the Tamarama fence reflects a time where residents had to cut holes in Anderson's man-made Wonderland to access their beach. Fabric and plastic fixings.
This artwork appears in the background of several shots taken in this vicinity.

Wednesday 11 November 2009

Sculpture by the Sea (3)

This little chap was really enjoying himself.

Foreground - A Crab in the Works, Gordon Mitchell - Transforming an everyday object into that of monumental scale. Evoking memories of losing a valuable watch at the beach or the discovery of a treasure. Aluminium, mild steel.
Background - The Dandi Lion, William Eastlake, While exploring the influence of material and its inherent structural qualities in the creation of space, we manipulate the experience and interpretation of the viewer. Bamboo, sisal rope, organic cotton.

Tuesday 10 November 2009

Sculpture by the Sea (2)

This one has been quite controversial as it is anatomically correct and the local council made the artist put a swimsuit on his sculpture. After initially complying, the artist returned and removed the offending article of clothing and the sculpture can now be seen as it was intended. It certainly caught the attention of the little chap below.

Little Boy Lost, Paul Trefry - Made from the heart, without pressure from other parties. Silicon fibreglass, human hair.

Monday 9 November 2009

Sculpture by the Sea

Its Sculpture by the Sea again and of course its been raining on and off all week. Last Friday, however, it cleared and although humid was a good day for a walk along the coast. Much better than last year when I made the mistake of going on a sunny Sunday.

Dying for a Drink, Phill Hall - Travelling sculpture designed to raise awareness of the critical global water shortage and to stimulate positive actions and solutions. Wire mesh, recycled water bottles, glass, plywood, riot shields.

Sunday 8 November 2009

Friday 6 November 2009

Sky Watch Friday - Dawn to Dusk - Namibia

Sunrise at the entrance to Sossuvlei dune belt, sunset over Solitaire, Namibia.

For more Sky Watch from around the world, drop in to the home of Sky Watch Friday.

Thursday 5 November 2009

Art and About

There are some colourful flags flying around the city at the moment, these ones are part of Art and About.

Wednesday 4 November 2009

The Race that Stops a Nation

Yesterday afternoon saw the running of the Melbourne Cup, a race which stops the nation. People lay bets, enter sweeps (my $1 sweep got me nowhere) and watch or listen to the race wherever they are. Most of these photos were taken in my office where the race was shown on a large screen in the conference room.
What won? 1st - Shocking, 2nd - Crime Scene, 3rd - Mourilyan. No idea what happened to Harris Tweed.

Tuesday 3 November 2009

Jacaranda Time

The other Aussies are posting their jacaranda pics, so here's mine.