Friday 27 August 2010

Sky Watch Friday

Parking the boat.
For more Sky Watch from around the world, drop in to the home of Sky Watch Friday.

Monday 23 August 2010

A plague on both their houses

Not much choice really, one's as bad as the other.
I did wonder whether the incumbent Prime Minister's poster hanging half off the fence was an omen. Turns out it was. Looks like we have a hung Parliament with neither party having a majority and it will be a while before we know which one will be able to form Government with the support of independents and minor parties. The Greens did well with up to 9 seats in the Senate (the Upper House) giving them control, and their first ever House of Representatives (Lower House) seat. Interesting times ahead.

Saturday 21 August 2010

Weekend Reflections - Broken Hill (12)

The Palace Hotel, formerly Mario's Palace which featured in the film Priscilla Queen of the Desert, is now under new management and rarely open as it is undergoing extensive renovations. I was peering through the closed doors when one of the managers saw me and let me in to have a look at the foyer. There was a small "renovation donation" involved, that's what the barrel behind me in the photo is for.
Every inch of the foyer is covered in artwork, there are reproductions of old masters on the ceiling and a stuffed peacock under the stairs. Goodness knows what the rooms are like.
Will definitely be worth a look when its finished. Although the bar is only open one night a week, I think some of the rooms are now available.
For more reflections visit James' Newtown Area Photo.

Friday 20 August 2010

Sky Watch Friday - Broken Hill (11)

More tin and rust against an overcast sky.
For more Sky Watch from around the world, drop in to the home of Sky Watch Friday.

Thursday 19 August 2010

Opinions needed

A few days back I posted that one of my shots had been selected for a competition. I now need to get it printed in large format. This one:

Dilemma - do I go for gloss or matt finish? I'm tending towards matt, I think that's what I printed it in for class but no longer have the print.


Broken Hill (10)

Where you have corrugated iron you have rust, glorious rust.

Wednesday 18 August 2010

Broken Hill (9)

An interesting aspect of some tinnies is that the metal has been decoratively moulded and in some cases you could swear you were looking at stone.

Tuesday 17 August 2010

Broken Hill (8)

Many of the tinnies have been well kept and/or restored and are quite beautiful.

Monday 16 August 2010

Broken Hill (7)

Broken Hill was, and still is as much as there are mines still open, a mining town. The residential area is characterised by the old miner's "tinny" made of corrugated iron.

Friday 13 August 2010


I found out during the week that this shot has made it into Sydney Community College's annual Student Photography Exhibition. Have to get it printed at A2 size (24 x 16 inch). Very confronting. No idea what the prizes are and the standard of competition is high so I'm not that hopeful but its very exciting - I've never been hung before. 

Sky Watch Friday - Broken Hill (4)

For more Sky Watch from around the world, drop in to the home of Sky Watch Friday.

Thursday 12 August 2010

Broken Hill (3)

The City of Broken Hill is the largest regional centre in the western half of New South Wales. It lies in the centre of the sparsely settled New South Wales Outback, close to the South Australian border and midway between the Queensland and Victorian borders. The nearest large population centre is Mildura in Victoria, three hundred kilometres distant to the south on the Murray River. The nearest large city is Adelaide, capital of South Australia, approximately 500 kilometres to the southwest. Because of its location Broken Hill has strong cultural and historical connections with South Australia and operates on Central Australian Time, one half hour behind Eastern Standard Time.

Wednesday 11 August 2010

Broken Hill (2)

The Cally, or Caledonian, B&B, a welcoming little place that I can highly recommend. I like Barb's sense of humour. 

Tuesday 10 August 2010

Broken Hill (1)

Broken Hill airport is small but interesting as it is decorated by murals by several of the city's artists.
The murals include large panels by well known "brushman of the bush" Pro Hart.
These two are by Howard Steer. Above is Flying Doctor and Second Opinion, below is Pub Crawl.

Monday 9 August 2010


The trip was weather affected from start to finish. At the time the flight was due to leave Sydney, it hadn't arrived from Broken Hill. We left 2 and a half hours late due to heavy fog in Broken Hill.

Friday 6 August 2010