Wednesday 27 April 2011

Kangaroo Island - Fur Seals

After a wet Easter/Anzac Day long weekend, I've now updated the Travel Blog and put a Slideshow and Album online for your viewing pleasure.

Monday 25 April 2011

Lest We Forget

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years contemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.

Thursday 21 April 2011

Kangaroo Island - Koalas

Koalas: one of the Island's most famous characters. The koala (like the platypus and Ringtail Possum) is an introduced species and their numbers have truly exploded. Unlike on the mainland, you don't have to try too hard to get your first glimpse of a wild koala.

They may be easy to see but they are still difficult to photograph, usually being high up and obscured by leaves and branches which are likely to be moving in the breeze. I took lots of shots but most of them are out of focus.

Wednesday 20 April 2011

Kangaroo Island - Tammar Wallabies

Tammar Wallabies: the Tammar Wallaby has smaller and finer features than the kangaroo and is abundant on the Island. Mainland populations are extinct in southeastern Australia, with only a small population surviving in Western Australia.

Tuesday 19 April 2011

Kangaroo Island - Kangaroos

The Island's isolation has seen some species evolve differently from the mainland species. This is evident in the KI Kangaroo, a subspecies of the Western Grey Kangaroo which is smaller, darker and has longer fur than its mainland counterpart. Kangaroos and wallabies can be seen over most of the Island.

Monday 18 April 2011

BMA House

I've walked past BMA (British Medical Association) House many, many times but never had the opportunity to explore inside. Until now. Last week I had an appointment at one of medical suites and was stunned by what I found inside the building.

Friday 15 April 2011

Lakemba Mosque - The Children

I was surprised that she was with the men while they were praying but, although it isn't encouraged, its allowed until she reaches puberty.

Monday 11 April 2011

Lakemba Mosque Open Day

The Lebanese Muslim Association opened Lakemba Mosque to the public as part of Australian Dawah Week. Although I have been in mosques before, this was the first Australian mosque I have been inside. It is also the first time I have not worn a headscarf inside a mosque. Visitors of both sexes and all religions were allowed to watch the men's prayers in the main prayer hall as well as questioning the Imam, taking a guided tour of the mosque and enjoying a free lunch.