Thursday 18 February 2010

Chinese New Year (4)

The trouble with being short (and not liking crowds) is that you tend to miss things. This is all I saw of the lion dance.


Julie said...

I got your email late last night. Shall reply later this morning. I will be at the parade on Sunday, but being equally short I might have issues. Have a firm way of indicating to crowds that I am a member of the press and "allowed" to push through underneath. Hope it works this time ....

Jim said...

This is a good one. Good luck to both of you, on your quest to photograph the parade.
Sydney - City and Suburbs

Julie said...

Have transferred to mono now ... Did not think of that before, duh!! My laterality is escaping me!

I think it works well and covers the grey scale totally. The figure is even more crucial in mono.

Re Jim's comment. I don't think I will take my tripod. It will be all action shots and a tripod is well-nigh useless. It is meant to start at 7pm when there is still plenty of light. I think the crowd will be as interesting as the participants. It is only going from Town Hall to Haymarket.

Angel Chris said...

What a great picture you got Ann! Hope Chinese new year celebrations are going fine..
Sydney Harbour Charter

Eric Hughes said...

The only one you managed is a great one! great job! Besides the Chinese New Year celebrations, there are these Cabbie-oke cabs running around in the city in the weekends. Try them out - and send in a link of your vids on their official YouTube channel to me! I shall Vote and win a Nokia E71! lol..

Dina said...

But you ended up getting a more interesting photo. I always wondered who was inside the lion.