Monday, 15 September 2008

Civic Duty

Last Saturday we went to the polls to vote in the councillors who will run our local governments for the next few years. My polling place is the local primary school. Because there is so much dissatisfaction with the major parties at the moment it is likely that indpendent candidates will do well. Voting is compulsory in Australia for all three levels of government - Federal, State and Local. If I don't vote I get fined.


Julie said...

Good to see Clover do so well. I suspect the State goernment will change next time. Not that I think the other lot is any more ethical or united than the current miserable mob!!

Kris McCracken said...

We do our local government votes now entirely by post here in Tasmania. I’m a keen election junkie, and I have to say that it works very well.

Sally said...

I didn't line up this time, as I had to work....but pre-polled the week before. Not quite the same atmosphere at all.
Sydney Daily Photo

Anonymous said...

Seems to me politics are the same everywhere!
lenses & visions"

Ming the Merciless said...

In the US, voting is voluntary so about 50% of the people don't bother to vote. Sad but true.

I don't know if it's apathy or people are just too lazy to vote.